Last updated 3/14/2025

TRANSCRIPTS: Scholarships will often ask for official or unofficial transcripts. What's the difference and how can I get my transcript?

Official Transcript: signed, dated, stamped, sealed, and sent by a school official. You can request your official transcript by using this link.

Unofficial Transcript: unsigned, undated, unstamped, unsealed, and not required to be sent by a school official. Your unofficial transcript is located in your Sapphire Portal or you can use this link to request your unofficial transcript.


Adams County Community Foundation Scholarships: Due 3/14/2025

There are more than 100 scholarships available to high school seniors from Adams County Pennsylvania. Complete one application and the Community Foundation will match your application to most eligible competitive scholarships.

I Built This! Video Contest (for prizes): Due 3/14/2025

Career and technical education students in high school, college and apprenticeship programs are welcome to enter by submitting a YouTube video of a construction project they’ve built this school year. This competition can help students showcase their skills and be recognized for their talent.

Jeanette Cartwright Memorial Scholarship: Due 3/15/2025

This scholarship is awarded to high school seniors pursuing post-secondary education who not only demonstrate exemplary academic and extracurricular talent, but continue to do so through the lingering effects of their families' cancer journey.

Big 33 Academic Scholarship: Due 3/15/2025

This scholarship is awarded to high school seniors planning on attending a technical school or accredited college or university .

Hagan Scholarship: Due 3/15/2025

The Purpose of the Hagan Scholarship is to provide each recipient with the opportunity to obtain a four-year college education and graduate debt-free. And, to provide each recipient with a practical understanding of important life skills not typically covered in the school curriculum. Scholarships are available for current high school students and college students. Click here for the Hagan Scholarship brochure.

Adams Electric Cooperative Scholarships: Due 3/15/2025

Adams Electric awards scholarships in the amount of $1,500 each to high school seniors, who are children of co-op members. Scholarships are available to students planning to attend a traditional collegiate route, or those anticipating heading to a Career or Trade School. Interested applicants can find additional information here. Students can apply through the Dollars for Scholars Portal.

The Foundation for Enhancing Communities Scholarships: Deadlines starting 3/15/2025

TFEC is the largest provider of scholarships in South Central Pennsylvania. Scholarships are available for High School Seniors and Current College students.

LIU 12 Future Educators Scholarship: Due 3/21/2025

Each year the LIU gives away 2-3 scholarships to future educators planning to work with students with special needs. Students must be a senior from York, Adams, or Franklin County.

Snowmobile Club of Adams County (SCAC): Postmarked by 3/22/2025

Three scholarships will be awarded to high school seniors planning to attend college or technical school.

Good Samaritan Masonic Lodge No. 336 Scholarship: Due to the LHS Counseling Office by 3/24/2025. (Applications must be sent by LHS to the scholarship committee by 4/01/2025)

Five $500 scholarships will be awarded for students enrolling into any postsecondary education program. There will also be one $500 scholarship for students enrolling into any healthcare program at Harrisburg Area Community College.

Caston Stewart Scholarship: Due 3/28/2025

This $2,500 scholarship is open to Adams County Seniors pursuing a nursing education.

Builders Association of Adams County Scholarship (BAAC): Due 3/31/2025

This scholarship will be awarded to one graduating senior from each of the seven Adams County schools.  The student must apply and must be attending a certified trade school or college studying carpentry, plumbing, electrical, HVAC, masonry, drafting, engineering, or other building trade field. A two year drafting course would also be considered.

Troy Heininger Memorial Scholarship: Due 3/31/2025

The charity American Bikers on a Mission is proud and humbled to offer a $1,000 scholarship in memory of their friend and fellow Board of Directors member, Troy Heininger.  Troy was a graduate of Littlestown High School.

PURPOSE: One scholarship will be awarded to a Littlestown High School senior pursuing a career in the trades or pursuing a college education. This scholarship is provided by a grant from American Bikers on a Mission. The scholarship will be awarded for a one-year term.

The Thunderbolt Foundation Neal T. Lippy Memorial Academic / Athletic Scholarship: Due 3/31/2025

Two $2,000 scholarships will be awarded to one (1) male and one (1) female Littlestown High School seniors planning to continue their education beyond graduation.

The Thunderbolt Foundation Law or Education Scholarship sponsored by Stock and Leader: Due 3/31/2025

One scholarship will be awarded to a Littlestown High School senior pursuing their career in the field of law or education.

The "No Sweat Scholarship": Due 3/31/2025

The Cirkled In "No Sweat" Scholarship is a $2,500 CASH scholarship you can use for any educational purpose, from books to summer camp.

Reaching All Women Wellness in Education Scholarship (RAW): Due 3/31/2025

The RAW Wellness in Education Scholarship is designed to assist high school girls in grades 11 and 12 who wish to pursue studies in the wellness field. This scholarship is valued at up to $5,000.

The RAW Rise Above Scholarship is for applicants age 18 or older, who are a high school graduate, have obtained a GED, or is currently enrolled in College. The applicant's college studies must be directed toward the health/medical/wellness field. This scholarship is valued at up to $5,000.

Conewago Enterprises' Charitable Foundation Scholarship: Due 3/31/2025

Scholarship applicants plan to enroll full-time in an accredited two or four year American college or university in the fall and spring academic year and plan to major in any of these accepted fields: Accounting, Architecture, Business Management, Construction related Engineering and Construction related majors (as determined by The Conewago Charitable Foundation Committee.)

Miriam Bechtel Scholarship: Due 4/01/2025

This scholarship program has been established to assist students from designated Pennsylvania school districts, including Littlestown Area School District, who plan to continue their education in college or vocational school programs leading to a profession in nursing, medical, dental or osteopathy.

A. G. Ealy Scholarship: Due 4/01/2025

This scholarship is offered to Littlestown High School students who will be pursuing post secondary education.

Gettysburg Hospital Auxiliary Scholarship: Due 4/01/2025

This scholarship is to be used toward studies in a health related profession.

Adams County School Counselor Association Scholarship: Due 4/04/2025

This one-time $500 scholarship will be awarded to one high school senior in Adams County who is planning to study Psychology, Sociology, or other related Human Services fields in a post-secondary institution following graduation. This application must be completed and submitted by April 4th. The winner will be chosen by the members of the Adams County School Counselors' Association and announced at the winner's school's Academic Awards event. 

Biglerville Garden Club: Due 4/11/2025

Scholarship money will be awarded only to those who plan to major in the field of Horticulture, Floriculture, Landscape Design, Conservation, Ecology, Botany, Plant Pathology, Floral Design, Forestry, Consumer Science or related subjects.

Chester Byers/Thomas Kittinger Scholarships: Due 4/11/2025

Any Littlestown High School Senior with a career goal involving Business or Music. Other career goals may also be considered.

Gettysburg Garden Club Scholarship: Due 4/11/2025

This scholarship is offered to students who pursue college courses in the following subjects: Biology (excluding pre-med), Horticulture, Floriculture, Landscape Architecture, Conservation, Forestry, Botany, Agronomy, Plant Pathology, Environmental Control City Planning, Land Management and/or allied subjects, Wildlife Sciences, Environmental Control Rural/Urban Planning.

Lake Heritage Fishing and Women's Clubs' Scholarship: Due 4/14/2025

Any student who currently lives in the Lake Heritage community and who meets certain criteria.

The Women's Club of Gettysburg: Due 4/15/2025

Three tuition scholarships of up to $1,000 each will be awarded to Adams County High School graduating seniors who are planning no more than a two-year course of study in vocational or technical institution.

Road to Safety Scholarships: Due by 4/15/2025

Metzger Wickersham, one of Pennsylvania's oldest personal injury law firms, invites Pennsylvania high school seniors to submit creative projects that remind drivers of the dangers of driving under the influence or while distracted. The ultimate goal of the contest is to help spread the message to drive with safety in mind all the time! For more information click here.

PATMOS Masonic Lodge No. 348 Scholarship: Due to LHS Counseling Office by 4/15/2025

Any graduating student of Littlestown, Hanover, South Western, and Spring Grove High Schools may apply and be considered for a $1,000 scholarship to be applied toward continuing education (one year minimum, with degree or certification in college, trade school, nursing, etc.)

Scholarship applications must be returned to the LHS Counseling Office by 4/15/2025. No late applications will be accepted.

The 2025 Richard L. Boyd Workers' Memorial Day Essay Contest: Due 4/18/2025

In order to be eligible for a scholarship, you must be a high school senior planning to pursue accredited post-secondary education.

The Stolte Scholarship: Due 4/25/2025

This one-time grant will be awarded to an individual pursuing a career in the field of ministry, missions, or humanitarian service.

Delta Kappa Gamma International - Beta Kappa Chapter Recruitment Grant for 2025: Due 4/29/2025

This scholarship is awarded to a female high school student in Adams or Franklin County who is going to pursue a degree in education. Applications can be returned to the Scholarship Co-Chair or to Sally Becker, Scholarship Co-Chair 527 Plum Run Road New Oxford, PA 17350

PEO Chapter BL Daisy Scholarship: Due 4/30/2025

This scholarship is sponsored by P.E.O. which is an international organization that promotes education for women on all levels and all ages. This scholarship is open to females in Adams County who will be attending college.

Builders Association of Adams County Tool Program: 5/1/2025

The Tool Program is for those students who will not be going to higher education but will be entering into the trades immediately.  The Association will work with local employers to provide monetary assistance with purchasing tools. 

The Pennsylvania Heritage Foundation Essay Scholarship: Due 5/02/2025

This scholarship is open to current Pennsylvania residents attending a two or four year Pennsylvania college or university in the Fall of 2025 and pursuing a course of study in History or an allied field.

2025 Authorities Future Leaders Scholarship: Due 5/15/2025

The purpose of this scholarship is to increase knowledge and awareness of authority service and the need for qualified employees in the industry. Authorities operate with employees trained in business, management, operations and the trades with authority service areas including, but not limited to, public water, wastewater, stormwater, solid waste and recycling, airports, transportation, parking, redevelopment, emergency/medical, recreation, etc.

Builders Association of Adams County Student Loans:

The Builder’s Association of Adams County is very proud to be able to offer assistance to students who have attended Adams County high schools and are furthering their education in the building related trades. Special consideration for loans will be given to BAAC member’s children who are pursuing degrees in other areas. This will be secondary to those students applying for loans to pursue building related trades, at the discretion of the Board of Directors and based on fund availability.


2025 Orrstown Bank Foundation Scholarship: Due 3/07/2025

Each year, Orrstown Bank awards multiple scholarships which are open to all graduating high school seniors as long as they are residents of a select counties.

CRSFM Scholarships: Due 3/07/2025

These scholarships are awarded to high school seniors participating in a post-secondary program or trade school to earn an associate's degree, bachelor's degree or certificate program (certified, accredited, approved program.) Majors include but are not limited to: Trades (electrical, plumbing, welding, HVAC, etc), Facility Management/Construction Project Management, Architecture, Grounds/Turf Management, and Engineering.

Dudley & Sylvia Kramer Memorial Scholarship: Due 3/02/2025

This scholarship is awarded to high school seniors currently engaged in an educational pursuit with a goal of working with persons with intellectual disabilities. The student may also currently be working with persons with intellectual disabilities.

2025 KCA Scholarship: Due 3/01/2025

This annual scholarship program assists in attracting outstanding people to the construction sectors.

1890 National Scholars Program: Due 3/01/2025

The USDA’s Office of Partnerships and Public Engagement (OPPE) manages the 1890 National Scholars Program, which is aimed at increasing the number of students from rural and underserved communities who study food, agriculture, natural resource and other related sciences.

The USDA Office of Partnerships and Public Engagement (OPPE) will host three webinars to present information and answer questions about the 1890 National Scholars Program. USDA liaisons will present information about the program, eligibility, fields of study and the selection process. The second portion of the webinar will be Q&A.


January 22, 2025 @ 6:00 PM Eastern Time      Register Here. January 29, 2025 @ 1:00 PM Eastern Time      Register Here

February 19, 2025 @ 6:00 PM Eastern Time     Register Here. (2/19/2025 POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE)

BrightSpring Brighter Futures Scholarship: Due 2/28/2025

The BrightSpring Brighter Futures Scholarship was established to provide scholarship assistance in the form of grants to help defray college or university expenses of underserved student populations.

The Pennsylvania Society's Benjamin Franklin Scholar Award: Due 2/28/2025

This scholarship is open to Pennsylvania Public School Juniors who are to submit an original essay discussing the modern-day relevance of a specific Benjamin Franklin quote.

BrightSpring Hospice Nursing Scholarship: Due 2/28/2025

BrightSpring Hospice Nursing Scholarship is intended to provide scholarship assistance in the form of grants to help defray college or university expenses of nursing students enrolled in an accredited nursing program or in an undergraduate program who have chosen hospice as their practice area after graduation.

Hanover Garden Club: Postmarked by 2/15/2025

Two $3,000 scholarships will be awarded to high school seniors and college students who are studying various horticulture fields and meet the scholarship requirements.

Builders Association of Adams County 2025 Home Show Student Design Competition: Due 2/14/2025

The Builders Association of Adams County is once again holding its annual home show.  Every year, The Builders Association of Adams County presents student’s architectural designs for viewing by the vendors and guests at the Home Show.  Attached please find the Student Guidelines for this years’ design competition.  There are 4 awards: 1st place: $500.00; 2nd place: $300.00; 3rd place: $200.00; People's Choice: $100.00

William and Debrah Pettigrew Scholarship: Due 2/01/2025

This $1,000 scholarship is awarded to a graduating high school student who wishes to attend college to become a teacher.

Garden Club Federation of Pennsylvania: Due by 2/01/2025

The Garden Club Federation of Pennsylvania (GCFP) is offering thirteen scholarships to high school seniors who plan to further their education in Agriculture Education, Agronomy, Floriculture, Horticulture, Landscape Architecture, Botany, Biology (excluding Medical), Conservation, Environmental Concerns (Management: Environmental Engineering, Conservation, etc.), Forestry, Plant Pathology, City (Rural/Urban) Planning, Wildlife Science, Land Management, and/or allied subjects. Each Scholarship Award is a minimum of $1,000.

Daughters of the American Revolution (D.A.R.) Scholarships: Due 1/31/2025

Each year the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) awards multiple scholarships to students showing dedication to the pursuit of higher education in diverse areas of study including history, economics, law, political science, medicine, nursing, occupational and physical therapy, elementary and secondary education, chemistry, math, science and English.  Scholarship amounts vary and are open to high school seniors.

1st Ed Credit Union Scholarship: Due 01/25/2025

Scholarships are designed to support students pursuing higher education and recognize academic achievement and community involvement. Five $1,500 scholarships will be awarded to high school seniors.

Carl C. Yount Charitable Scholarship: Due 1/21/2025

Scholarships to assist high school seniors who plan to continue their education in college in performing arts or medical studies. Two $5,000 awards will be granted.

U.S. Junior Chamber International (JCI) Senate Foundation: Due 01/17/2025

This scholarship grants $1,500 scholarships to graduating high school seniors who plan to continue their education at an accredited post-secondary college or university. Scholarships of $1,000 will be awarded to high school seniors who plan to attend an accredited vocational or industrial school. On the State level, two $750 scholarships are available.

National FFA Scholarships: Due 1/09/2025

Numerous scholarships for FFA members with specific criteria defined by the donor when the scholarship is established. You will only need to create one online application. You will be considered for all scholarships whose eligibility criteria you meet.

Pennsylvania American Legion 90th Annual Essay Contest: Due 1/07/2025

This scholarship is open to students enrolled in grades 9-12 in a public, private or parochial, cyber school or who is home schooled in Pennsylvania. The topic: "Is the American Dream Still Relevant Today?"

GE-Reagan Foundation Scholarship Program: Due 1/03/2025

This scholarship program offers college scholarships of up to $40,000 for high school seniors nationwide who showcase leadership, drive, integrity, and citizenship.

This scholarship is available to high school senior girls pursuing studies in STEM and considering a transportation-related career.

American Legion High School Oratorical Scholarship: Due 12/01/2024

Scholarships are open to high school seniors enrolling in an accredited trade school, college or university. Scholarships could be awarded to participants at local posts, districts, counties, and departments prior to moving on to state or national competitions.

The Hagan Scholarship: Due 12/01/2024

This scholarship is a nationwide need-based merit scholarship, providing recipients "regardless of nationality" with the opportunity to achieve their goals and graduate college debt-free.

STEAM Day Scholarships: Due 10/25/2024

Two $1,500.00 scholarships will be awarded to female high school seniors who are pursing studies in STEAM and considering a career related to transportation.

Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation: Due 9/30/2024

Each year, the Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation awards 150 college scholarships worth $20,000 to high school students across the United States through the Coca-Cola Scholars Program. Students need a 3.0 GPA and to complete an online application that requires no essays, no recommendations, and no transcripts by September 30, 2024, at 5 p.m. Eastern.