CLICK HERE to view more information and APPLY for the employment opportunities listed below.

Personnel / Insurance Coordinator

Bus/Van Drivers & Substitutes

JH Field Hockey Assistant Coach

Crossing Guards & Substitutes

Anticipated ESL Teacher (K-12)

High School Track Assistant Coach

Middle School Teacher Aide

Elementary School Personal Care Assistant

Part Time Grounds Person

Anticipated Secondary Guidance Counselor

Summer Lead Painter

Anticipated Elem. Special Ed. Teacher

Thank you for your interest in employment with Littlestown Area School District. To establish a complete pre-employment file, please complete the online application. If your qualifications meet our needs, we will contact you for further information and a possible interview.

Internal applicants only: EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES

Substitute Teaching/Paraeducator Opportunities

Littlestown Area School District partners with Kelly Education to provide substitutes and paraeducators to the district. Please CLICK HERE for additional information!

CLICK HERE for Coaching Opportunities

For more information on employment opportunities, call the Littlestown Area School District

Human Resources Office at (717) 359-4146 ex. 1222

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