Student Device Collection Information! Grades 9 & 12: Use linked document for instructions before returning your iPad:
over 1 year ago, Krista Ortman
Student Device Collection Information! Grades 9 & 12: Use linked document for instructions before returning your iPad:
Congratulations to all students nominated for the 2023 Dwight D. Eisenhower Senior Self Improvement Award! Our winner for this year was Ryan Green and Noel Charlebois received a 2023 Resiliency Award. Pictured Left to Right: Mr. Doug Hartlaub, Noel Charlebois, Samantha Speakman, Savannah Lawson, Ryan Green, Kierstin Zimmerman, and Mr. Chris Bigger. Great job to all!
over 1 year ago, Carrie Mummert
SSI Award
Congratulations to Peyton Small, LHS Junior, who was recognized at the School Board Meeting last night. Peyton won first chair in District Band, first chair in Regional Band, and first chair in the PMEA All-State Wind Ensemble on Alto Saxophone! Mr. Bish said, "I can say pretty confidently he's the hardest working and most dedicated student I've ever had here." Peyton also plays extremely well on the flute, clarinet, oboe, bassoon, tenor, and baritone saxophones, as well as the base clarinet. Peyton's ultimate goal is to play in the pits on Broadway!
over 1 year ago, LASD DO
student and teacher
Congratulations to our April Students of the Month! L - R: Elizabeth Young-12th grade, Georgia Wilt-4th grade, Margaret Dellinger-7th grade, Sadie Seymore-2nd grade. Not shown in Picture: Cora Bogus-1st grade and Kyle Thayer-12th grade
over 1 year ago, LASD DO
students of the month
Senior Graduation Personal Messages! Payment due by 5/31. Use linked Google Form for more information and to submit your message:
over 1 year ago, Krista Ortman
Senior Graduation Personal Messages! Payment due by 5/31.  Use linked Google Form for more information and to submit your message:
Looking for an awesome summer camp?? Then be sure to checkout the soccer camp being offered in July at the Thunderbolt Stadium. Camp is being hosted by LHS coaches and players. Still lots of time to register for the camp. Additional registration forms are available in the ACES front office. Come out and enjoy the fun!
over 1 year ago, ACES OFFICE
LHS Summer Soccer Camp
The School Board will meet in a Regular Meeting on Monday, May 15, 2023 at 7:00 PM. The meeting will be held in the Boardroom. Please enter through Door #12 at the back right of Alloway Creek Elementary School, 162 Newark St, Littlestown, PA 17340. This meeting is open to the public to attend or watch on livestream at 7:00 PM on our district Facebook Page at: Regular School Board Meeting Agenda​​ - Public Participation - include name, address, and topic using one of the two options below to participate: Attend in person and fill out the public participation sheet as you go into the Lobby from Door #12 at ACES up to 5 minutes before the start of the meeting. Up to 30 minutes before the meeting, call 717-359-4146 x2910 and leave a message up to 5 minutes.
over 1 year ago, LASD DO
Meeting sign notice
Thanks to the 395 people who participated in the 5th Community Survey.    Click on the following link to view the preliminary overview of survey results -  In combination with our staff survey, school board direction, and annual data reports we will begin to update our comprehensive plan this summer to address the top priorities.  This would not be possible without your participation and input.  What a wonderful way to end Teacher Appreciation Week.  Thanks to everyone for making Littlestown Schools a great place,  Please do not forget to thank a teacher this week for Teacher Appreciation Week.  Thunderbolts Thrive in the World! 
over 1 year ago, LASD DO
Survey Data
Hello Families! Our ACES Art Show is now LIVE! Please click the link to view your child's art! Let us frame the art for you! For only $20, we will show off your child’s work by carefully framing it! All frame sales support our artist residency program. Our visiting artists work with all ACES students! Unframed work will be sent home with students at the end of May. You can order frames online here or on the order form to be sent home today! Our students worked so hard on their artwork and are ready to show it off to you! Enjoy the show!
over 1 year ago, LASD DO
student art
student art
student art
student art
student art
student art
Emily Green, Elementary Music Teacher, is our May Staff Spotlight! Emily started as an Elementary Music Teacher at ACES in August 2021. She grew up in Littlestown and graduated from the Littlestown High School. Outside of teaching at her home elementary school, she is also a member of the Army Reserves and the Army Reserve Band.  Recently she participated in, and competed in, the Best Warrior Competition through the Army in Fort Lee, Virginia.  She competed alongside other army reserve soldiers and active soldiers. She said a high bar was set and it was a honor and privilege to participate and compete alongside other soldiers.  She was asked to be on Fox & Friends recently and was able to talk about her best warrior experiences.  She is fortunate to share her experiences with her students and inspire them to follow their passion.  Congratulations Ms. Green!
over 1 year ago, LASD DO
Emily Green
Littlestown is looking for a Head Varsity Football Coach. If interested apply using the link:
over 1 year ago, Krista Ortman
Littlestown is looking a Head Varsity Football Coach. If interested apply using the link:
​The School Board will meet in a Work Session Meeting on Monday, May 8, 2023 immediately following the Special Session Meeting, approximate start time at 7:00 PM, in the Board Room. These meetings are open to the public to attend or watch on livestream at 7:00 PM on our district Facebook Page at: Link to School Board Work Session Agenda 05-08-23​​ - Public Participation - include name, address, and topic using one of the two options below to participate in public comments during the board meeting. Attend in person and fill out the public participation sheet in the lobby outside the cafeteria up to 5 minutes before the meeting begins. Up to 30 minutes before the meeting, call 717-359-4146 x2910 and state your address first, then full name, and leave a message up to 5 minutes.
over 1 year ago, LASD DO
Meeting sign notice
The School Board will meet in a Special Session Meeting on Monday, May 8, 2023 at 6:00 PM. The meeting will be held in the Boardroom. Please enter through Door #12 at the back right of Alloway Creek Elementary School, 162 Newark St, Littlestown, PA 17340. This meeting is open to the public to attend or watch on livestream at 6:00 PM on our district Facebook Page at: Link to the Special Session Board Meeting Agenda​​ - Public Participation - include name, address, and topic using one of the two options below to participate: Attend in person and fill out the public participation sheet as you go into the Lobby from Door #12 at ACES up to 5 minutes before the start of the meeting. Up to 30 minutes before the meeting, call 717-359-4146 x2910 and leave a message up to 5 minutes.
over 1 year ago, LASD DO
Meeting sign
FALL 2023 YOUTH FOOTBALL& CHEER REGISTRATON Programs available for Grades K-6. Visit for more information and to register. Follow @LEFALittlestownElementaryFootballAssociation on Facebook for more updates! Football players can also register for Iron Man Camp & Challenge (celebrating it's 5th year!) Please use rising grade for your student (2023-2024 school year) Registration closes May 20th
over 1 year ago, Krista Ortman
FALL 2023 YOUTH FOOTBALL& CHEER REGISTRATON Programs available for Grades K-6. Visit for more information and to register. Follow @LEFALittlestownElementaryFootballAssociation on Facebook for more updates!  Football players can also  register for Iron Man Camp & Challenge (celebrating it's 5th year!)  See attached flyers. Please use rising grade for your student (2023-2024 school year) Registration closes May 20th
FALL 2023 YOUTH FOOTBALL& CHEER REGISTRATON Programs available for Grades K-6. Visit for more information and to register. Follow @LEFALittlestownElementaryFootballAssociation on Facebook for more updates!  Football players can also  register for Iron Man Camp & Challenge (celebrating it's 5th year!)  See attached flyers. Please use rising grade for your student (2023-2024 school year) Registration closes May 20th
There is only ONE WEEK remaining to nominate LASD Employees for the 2022-2023 LASD Outstanding Staff Awards! The nomination form will close on Friday, May 12th at 4:00 PM. Awards will be given to 5 staff winners - 2 support staff awards, 1 elementary teacher award, 1 middle school teacher award, and 1 high school teacher award! Here is the link to the ONLINE NOMINATION FORM - PLEASE NOMINATE THAT SPECIAL TEACHER and/or LASD SUPPORT STAFF who has made a difference this year! Additional information on the program can be found on our website under Menu, Employees, Recognition of Outstanding Staff Program. Questions about the Program? Contact Bev Lang at or 717-359-4146 x1250
over 1 year ago, LASD DO
outstanding staff clipart
THREE DAYS remaining to take the COMMUNITY/PARENT SURVEY by clicking here: The survey will be open until the end of the day on May 8th.  We received 364 responses so far but would like to see up to 500 responses. We have been updating the answers to the questions from the Survey, the Q & A related to education can be found on our website home page at The Q & A related to the building renovations and additions are also  on our Future Secondary School website home page at Please take the survey to provide us with your feedback and to ask us any questions!
over 1 year ago, LASD DO
Survey Reminder Clipart
Senior Graduation Personal Messages! Use linked Google Form to submit your message:
over 1 year ago, Krista Ortman
Senior Graduation Personal Messages! Use linked Google Form to submit your message:
Varsity Softball @ Trinity has been postponed - new date TBD.
over 1 year ago, Cindy Staub
Game postponed
The Littlestown Area School District is excited to announce our recent partnership with Kelly Education, a leading provider of substitute teachers and paraeducators to manage our substitute program. If you are interested in being a substitute teacher or paraeducator please click Employment Opportunities on the district website for more information.
over 1 year ago, LASD HR
Kelly Ed
May Promo Alert 🔔 20% OFF all Littlestown High School orders of $100+ now thru 5/31. Just use code MAY23 and you’re good to go.
over 1 year ago, Cindy Staub
Rep for less