Here are some unknown facts about Dr. Meakin....
over 3 years ago, LASD DO
Text Facts on Dr. Meakin
Text facts 15-1
Mr. Staub, Mr. Laux and Mr. Bittle showing some serious Thunderbolt spirit on Friday at our Pep Rally!
over 3 years ago, Carrie Mummert
Bolt Spirit
A beautiful day for a PEP RALLY!!!! Maple Avenue Middle School won the spirit stick but ACES wasn't far behind! These kids are pumped up! #thunderboltsflyworldclass
over 3 years ago, LASD DO
Bolt Man and Girl
Sports Teams
students cheering
Continuing with the school spirit......Neon Day
over 3 years ago, Lisa Kraus
Neon Day
**Transportation Reminder** We will be conducting our annual Bus/Van Evacuation Drills tomorrow, September 30th. Please be sure to have your student(s) at their bus stop at their regularly scheduled time. Due to COVID, we will once again perform front door evacuations.
over 3 years ago, Lora Mace
Bus Evac
Future leaders from LHS getting ready for their day with JROTC. Students pictured: Joah Jirout, Tiara Lucarelli and James Hamilton.
over 3 years ago, LASD DO
3 students dressed in camoflauge
Save the Date! LHS Musical "Clue" is scheduled December 9 - 11, 2021. Audition notices are going out today to student emails. The cast list will be posted publicly once acceptances have been received. This is going to be a great show!
over 3 years ago, LASD DO
Clue on Stage Clipart
A reminder that the parent permission forms for students to receive a flu shot are due this Friday, September 24, 2021. The form is available to download on our website under the newsfeed or you may pick up a form in each school building.
over 3 years ago, LASD DO
Flu Shot Post it Note
A friendly reminder that students are off school this Monday, September 20th! Teachers have a professional development day. Have a great 3-day weekend students!
over 3 years ago, LASD DO
Reminder No School Post it Note
On Friday Sept. 17th, the FFA is hosting sweet corn day at school. All students and staff can receive a free ear of sweet corn at the lunch line at all three buildings. This sweet corn was raised on school property and harvested by FFA members on Thursday. The kindergarten classes assisted with the husking. Encourage your students to participate whether they purchase a lunch or pack a lunch...all can participate for free. #Thunderboltsflyworldclass Thank you for your participation and support!
over 3 years ago, LASD DO
students in front of cornfield
Congratulations to Isaac Stonesifer for his participation in laying the Carroll County Career Tech Center’s ceremonial “First Brick”. #ThunderboltPride
over 3 years ago, Timothy Mitzel
Isaac Stonesifer
Full-Time Administrative Assistant - Accounts Payable position. Come be a part of the Thunderbolt family! Visit our Job Opportunities under the Human Resources tab (Departments) to apply!
over 3 years ago, LASD HR
Hiring Image
Support the ACES PTO at the Fall Food Truck Frenzy! Bring a chair or blanket to the ACES bus loop for a fun family day! There will be delicious food, a raffle, a patriotic craft, lawn games, a DJ and more! A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the PTO.
over 3 years ago, LASD DO
Food Truck Event Flyer
Bus 77 is broke down and middle and high school students are running 35 minutes late as well as Elementary students on Bus 77. The bus broke down and a replacement bus just left with secondary students. All students are fine. Thank you for your patience!
over 3 years ago, LASD DO
Bus runing late
Middle and High School Students riding on Bus 77 will be approximately 20 minutes late today. The bus broke down and we are working on getting a replacement bus. All students are fine. Thank you for your patience!
over 3 years ago, LASD DO
Bus running late
LOVE SOCCER? LOVE KICKING? Enter for the SOCCER CHALLENGE Penalty Kick Competition on September 25th! Participants need to complete the Entry Form at:
over 3 years ago, LASD DO
Flyer for Soccer Challenge
75th Anniversary of Football in Littlestown Celebration! Saturday, September 17, 2022 at 7 PM
over 3 years ago, LASD DO
save the date clipart
LASD schools on a 2-Hour Hour Delay for Thursday September 2, 2021.
over 3 years ago, Littlestown School District
At MAMS Mr. Urey was using Mnemonics in Science class. I wonder if this Thunderbolt was headed to lunch next.
over 3 years ago, Timothy Mitzel
What does this mnemonic stand for?
Great working showing our LittleBolts how to leap into the learning! Literally! Great work Mrs. Scholeno and Mr. Fenimore!
over 3 years ago, Timothy Mitzel
Leaping and learning!
LittleBolts Leaping!