The Littlestown School District recognizes social, mental, and physical health is vital in creating a safe and positive environment for all. This statement is one of the 3 goals the board of education created for the 2022-2023 school year.
The Littlestown Area School District (LASD) Elementary math curriculum is derived from the PA State Standards. The School Board approved curriculum and math framework are used by our professional staff to develop lessons. The proposed “Reveal Math” resource is being reviewed by the Curriculum, Policy, and Co-Curricular committee to supplement the curriculum for teachers and students. This resource costs approximately $40,000 and is much less than the “Go Math” program we used for the past 7 years which cost approximately $135,000.
You cannot teach any subject in school without teaching classroom rules and behaviors for interacting. More importantly, you cannot help a student overcome challenging content if you don’t ask them where they are stuck or what they don’t understand about the lesson today. We teach students to socialize, understand their emotions, and control their behavior so they can learn Math or any subject we are teaching. We focus on the skills of working well with others, being a good listener, staying focused on classwork, and developing skills for when you struggle with the content. This is what we see when we review weekly lesson plans and observe our professional teachers in the classroom. This is what learning looks like and is expected in LASD. I trust our Elementary teachers as they fully understand the needs of our students and the community.
Christopher E. Bigger