Our Food Service Department is Hiring! Join a team that makes a difference serving Littlestown students!
Job Opportunities - LASD is seeking to fill 3 District Building Substitute Teacher positions for the 2022-2023 school year. Valid PA Teaching Certification preferred. Click Employment Opportunities on the district home page to apply.
Job Opportunities - LASD is seeking to fill an Anticipated PT Learning Support Teacher & Anticipated PT Paraprofessional position specifically for Home Based Learning with an Autism focus. Click Employment Opportunities on the district home page to apply.
Job Opportunity - Admin. Assistant. - Part Time. LASD is seeking to fill this position at LHS. Hours will be 5 hours/day and is a year-round position. Click Employment Opportunities on the district home page to apply.
Calling all Kindergartners! Do you have a child that will be 5 years old on or before AUGUST 31, 2022?? Then it's time for Kindergarten. PLEASE register in time to attend our Kindergarten Orientation on: Thursday, August 11, 2022-6:00 PM.
Online Registration: Click the Link. https://littlestownasdpa.sites.thrillshare.com/o/aces/page/kindergarten-enrollment
Job Opportunities! LASD is looking to fill the following positions for the 2022-2023 SY:
Secondary ELA Teacher - MAMS
Secondary PE/Health Teacher - MAMS
Secondary Math/Computer Science Teacher - LHS
Click Employment Opportunities on the district home page to apply.
Congratulations to our May Students of the Month!
L - R:
Jordyn Beard, 12th Grade
Connor Myers, 8th Grade
Nathan Evans, 8th Grade
Cora Bogus, Kindergarten
Not in picture: Mallory Fry, 3rd Grade and Nolan Westfall, 12th Grade.
LAST CALL - Lost and found is overflowing with many items from sweatshirts, lunchboxes, water bottles, hats, gloves and some shoes. Please come in anytime Mon - Thur 8-4. We will be disposing of items after TOMORROW, June 9, 2022.
Haven't registered your Kindergartner yet?
It's not too late!
Click Here: https://littlestownasdpa.sites.thrillshare.com/o/aces/page/kindergarten-enrollment
Congrats ACES Dedicated Readers...James, Ava, Tinleigh, Kayleigh, Dylan and Emmalee...thanks Mrs. Staub for making it all happen!!!
One Book, All Bolts
Today in class students discussed Chapters 17 and 18 of “Fenway & Hattie”. They also answered a trivia question for a chance to win a prize on Friday!
Tonight, as a family, please read Chapters 19 and 20 or watch the celebrity video link.
Be ready to discuss the discussion questions tomorrow in class!
Tomorrow, We are WILD about our pets!- Students will WEAR ANIMAL SHIRT/PRINT and bring a picture of them and their pet, pet rock, stuffed animal, or a drawing of their dream pet!
Also Tomorrow, Victoria Coe will be joining us on Zoom to answer questions and tell us more about her book! Final prize winners will also be announced!
The LHS soccer coaches and players will be hosting a summer soccer camp opportunity for students in Grades K-6 the week of July 25 - 28, 2022 at the Thunderbolt Stadium . Registration deadline is July 1 and forms are available in the ACES or MAMS main offices.
One Book, All Bolts
Today in class students discussed Chapters 15 and 16 of “Fenway & Hattie”. They also answered a trivia question for a chance to win a prize on Friday!
Tonight, as a family, please read Chapters 17 and 18 or watch the celebrity video link.
Be ready to discuss the discussion questions tomorrow in class!
This Friday…We are WILD about our pets!- Students will WEAR ANIMAL SHIRT/PRINT and bring a picture of them and their pet, pet rock, stuffed animal, or a drawing of their dream pet!
One Book, All Bolts
Today in class students discussed Chapters 13 and 14 of “Fenway & Hattie”. They also answered a trivia question for a chance to win a prize on Friday!
Tonight, as a family, please read Chapters 15 and 16 or watch the celebrity video link.
Be ready to discuss the discussion questions tomorrow in class!
Congratulations to our Students of the Month for April! Pictured L - R:
Hailey Brigham, 12thGrade; Megan Gorsuch, 12th Grade; and Miguel Resendiz-Martinez, 7th Grade. Kinley Souders, 1st Grade and Chloe Windisch, 4th Grade -not in picture.
Today in class students discussed Chapters 11 and 12 of “Fenway & Hattie”. They also answered a trivia question for a chance to win a prize on Friday!
Tonight, as a family, please read Chapters 13 and 14 or watch the celebrity video link.
Be ready to discuss the discussion questions tomorrow in class!
One Book, ALL Bolts totals for KPETS are in from last week and
In 6th place is K with $42.74
In 5th place is 5th with $58.50
In 4th place is 4th with $59.89
In 3rd place is 3rd with $61.67
In 2nd place is 1st with $66.76
In 1st place is 2nd with $89.14
Week one total is $378.70. That's awesome ACES!!! Let's see what this week's collections will bring in! Fenway appreciates all of the support!
ACES Final PTO Meeting...
Tonight, May 16th...6:30pm in the ACES library.
We loved seeing all of the brown today at school!
Today in class students discussed Chapters 9 and 10 of “Fenway & Hattie”. They also answered a trivia question for a chance to win a prize today!
This weekend, , as a family, please read Chapters 11 and 12 or watch the celebrity video link.
Be ready to discuss the discussion questions Monday in class!
This week’s lucky trivia winners were announced by homeroom teachers.
Today in class students discussed Chapters 7 and 8 of “Fenway & Hattie”. They also answered a trivia question for a chance to win a prize on Friday!
Tonight, as a family, please read Chapters 9 and 10 or watch the celebrity video link.
Be ready to discuss the discussion questions tomorrow in class!
Tomorrow’s spirit day is Wear BROWN for “Dig into a good book”.
Today in class students discussed Chapters 5 and 6 of “Fenway & Hattie”. They also answered a trivia question for a chance to win a prize on Friday!
Tonight, as a family, please read Chapters 7 and 8 or watch the celebrity video link.
Be ready to discuss the discussion questions tomorrow in class!
This Friday, we will have a school spirit day…DIG into a good book. Wear your brown!