LHS Football Cheerleaders are hosting a Cheerleading Camp June 13-16, 2022 - Forms and money due by June 1st! Location: LHS - Time: 5-7 PM
Turn forms in to the HIGH SCHOOL or emailed to mauramurren@gmail.com.
SAVE THE DATE - ACES STEAM Night is May 5th!
Hi Bolts Families!
Today, your child received a packet for an upcoming fundraiser here at A.C.E.S. We are so happy that we can participate in the Race for Education again this year. Please help us support future field trips, assemblies and school events by participating in this FUNdraiser, by returning the labels by April 11!
We appreciate your support and generosity to make every day a great day to be a Bolt!!
ACES Families,
There is only 1 day left to place your yearbook order. Yearbooks are $20 each and can be ordered online using the link below. Orders are due April 1st! Yearbook code 6504722.
We will not be ordering extra yearbooks so please be sure to place your order now.
If you have any questions please contact acesboltspto@gmail.com
Mark it on your Calendar ACES Students and Staff! Strawberry Smoothies in Discover Kitchen.
Summer Sports Camp Registration is Open! Please direct questions to mrubin@fca.org
Summer Sports Camp Registration is Open!
The ACES PTO will be meeting tonight at 6:30pm in the library. Please use the main entrance. We will be discussing the upcoming spring events, and begin to plan for next year's events and fundraisers. We will also be stuffing eggs to prepare for this weekend's event.
Childcare will be provided. You do not need to be a cleared volunteer to attend our meetings.
We hope to see you there!
Hello ACES Families,
There is only 1 week left to place your yearbook order. Yearbooks are $20 each and can be ordered online using the link below. Yearbook code 6504722.
We will not be ordering extra yearbooks so please be sure to place your order now.
If you have any questions please contact acesboltspto@gmail.com
Thank you,
Congrats to our recent ACEing Good Learning Students. Proud of this group...keep up the great work!!!
Mrs. A. Smith and Mr. Howe's third graders are learning to "think like an engineer." They used collaboration, creativity, and problem solving skills to create the tallest, studiest tower they could using only marshmallows and toothpicks.
Congratulations to Paula Frey, Alloway Creek Elementary School Nurse, for winning the Pennsylvania School Nurse Excellence Award for the South Central Region of PA for 2022!
Congratulations to Paula Frey, Alloway Creek Elementary School Nurse, for winning the Pennsylvania School Nurse Excellence Award for the South Central Region of PA for 2022!
Congratulations to our February Students of the Month!!! L-R: Diego Guzman, 12th Grade; Sam Denault, Kindergarten; Maria Eduarda Marton Coutinho, 12th Grade; Alyssa Hahn, 3rd Grade; and Brooke Conover, 8th Grade.
ACES PTO Spring Food Truck Frenzy
April 2nd and 3rd from noon-6pm
9 AWESOME Food Trucks!
Fun for the whole family!
Scavenger Hunt (free)
Craft (free)
DJ (free)
Carnival Games ($0.50)
Egg Hunts (free) (Saturday starting at 1pm)
Inflatable Obstacle Course (Sunday only- $1 play all day)
Join us for two days of great food and fun!
Join us for two days of great food and fun!
ACES PTO Spring Food Truck Frenzy
April 2nd and 3rd from noon-6pm
9 AWESOME Food Trucks and so much more, see Flyer for more details!
Kindergarten Enrollment 2022-2023
The Exchange Club of Hanover’s 22nd Annual Evening of Comedy and Magic Show will be held on Friday, April 29, 2022, at the Eichelberger Performing Arts Center. The show provides a night of great family entertainment while raising funds for the prevention of child abuse.
Job Opportunity: Anticipated 8th Grade Social Studies Teacher beginning the 2022-2023 school year. Visit our Employment Opportunities on the district home page to apply. Maple Avenue Middle School students are reaching new height!
Job Opportunity: Anticipated Kindergarten Teacher beginning the 2022-2023 school year. Visit our Employment Opportunities on the district home page to apply. "It's Always a Great Day to Be A Little Bolt"!