Mrs. Smith's third grade science students are studying how geologists use "the scratch test" to determine mineral hardness and identify different minerals.
Now hiring!
Maintenance Worker, Full-time, 6:30 AM-3:00 PM at Littlestown Area School District.
Responsibilities: Preferred working knowledge of electrical systems and a basic understanding of HVAC, plumbing and carpenty. We are willing to train!
Includes paid holidays, life insurance, retirement benefits, medical, dental and vision benefits.
ACES Reminder....Picture day.
Thursday, October 10th
Title I Night Celebration with students, staff and families!
Mrs.R. Hahn’s class took a field trip to the local Littlestown Fire House!
These artists' works were chosen to be enlarged as a print and hang on display in the school and district office until they graduate! They were chosen for their use of media, colors and techniques and their ability to grow and push their boundaries as artists. Congratulations! #boltscreate
Check out this great opportunity that we wanted to share with our ACES families!
The home Varsity Football game scheduled for October 4th is canceled since Fairfield canceled the remainder of their football season.
It's Corn Day! Mrs. Kelly's class walked to the high school yesterday to shuck corn with the FFA. Today, every student in ACES can get a free ear of corn to eat at lunch. Thank you FFA!
Mrs. Durange’s class walked to the high school to work with the FFA to shuck corn. Today, every student in ACES could get a free ear of corn to eat. Thank you FFA!
ACES was super excited to welcome a few of our LHS Varsity Basketball players as guest readers today! The players read to all classrooms throughout the building and took time to answer questions from our little Bolts. Thanks so much to Coach Gaffey and the boys for making this happen!
ACES picture day is coming up!
Today Mrs. R. Hahn and Mrs. Durange had a guest reader, Zach from the high school basketball team!
Hello Thunderbolt Families!
If you haven't done so already this school year, log onto School Cafe and submit your free/reduced lunch application.
If you were receiving free/reduced meals last year based on income, the grace period for this will end on October 3, 2024 and you will return to paid lunches. If you have any questions, please contact Jen Dooley at
Thunderbolt Families! Join the Thunderbolt Foundation THIS THURSDAY NIGHT to learn about solutions on how we can help our students navigate the digital world!
Register here:
Students in Mrs. Smith's third grade science class are learning how rocks are made of minerals.
Attendance Matters!
As we are in the 3rd week of school, we wanted to send out a reminder regarding Attendance.
Late Arrival and Early Dismissal:
Children who arrive after 9:00 AM must report to the office. A child who is tardy will need to be signed in by his/her parent or guardian. Tardiness is considered unexcused if the child is late due to oversleeping, running late, missing the bus, etc. Doctor, dentist and court appointments will be excused, with the appropriate note.
A student accumulating 90 minutes or more of late arrivals and/or early dismissals
will be charged a 1/2 day unexcused absence.
Compliance with Attendance Policy 204 requires the following:
A note is required from parents for all absences (within 3 days).
-Please include the student's name, date of absences, reason, and signature.
If a student is late or leaving during the day for a doctor’s appointment, a doctor’s note must accompany his/her return. It is preferred that the note include the time of the appointment and time of departure.
Any student absent for three (3) or more consecutive days from an illness or accident will require a doctor’s note.
Student absences from school for reasons other than those allowed by school board policy (allowable include: illness, planned trip, religious holiday) will be considered unexcused.
Early Dismissals: Please send in a note with your child with the date, time and who will be picking up your child (if other than parent/guardian). Children who have 90 minutes of unexcused early dismissals will be charged with a half day of unexcused absence. Children leaving before 1:30 for reasons other than sickness, death in family, pre-approved family trip, doctor, dentist or court appointments will be considered unexcused. A signed doctor’s note/agency visited is required for the early dismissal to be excused.
Half Day Absence: If a child arrives at school in the morning after 10:30 a.m., the absence will be considered a ½ day absence. If a child leaves in the afternoon before 1:30 p.m. the child will be considered absent ½ day.
Tardy to School: The time a student is tardy to school will be tracked. When a student accumulates 90 minutes of tardy time, they will be assigned an unexcused ½ day absence.
Unexcused Absences:
We diligently work with families to try to avoid any unexcused absences. Under Pennsylvania State Law, students accumulating more than six (6) unexcused days from school are referred to the District Magistrate. Here is what you can do to avoid unexcused absences:
-Send in a note within three (3) days of an absence