Stacy Tull, is in our Staff Spotlight this month! Stacy currently serves as a Building Aide at LHS and Agriculture Aide. She has been with the district 15 years and the Agriculture Aide for the past 7 years. Her duties include covering for other teachers when there isn’t enough substitutes, uploading data to the CAT System for program approval to PDE, and she coordinates fundraisers for the FFA such as sweet corn day, spring flower sales, and poinsettia/fruit sales. She organizes the FFA field trips, banquets, and learning opportunities with the elementary school. She is always willing to help in the evenings and weekends whenever she is needed such as meeting delivery people after hours, and she helps Mr. Brant take care of the calves over the weekends. Mrs. Tull says she loves working in the Agriculture Department, stating “you never know what you’re going to get into in a given day.” The Board President, Mrs. Nester said it best, “behind every successful man, there is a woman in charge.” Mrs. Tull is a great enhancement to the FFA Program!