Superintendent Survey

The Littlestown Area School District (LASD) Board of Directors is pleased to announce that the search for their next superintendent of schools is underway!

The Board of School Directors approved a contract with DiRocco Education Consulting LLC: Keystone Superintendent Search Service to conduct a professional search for the next superintendent. The District’s website will serve as the main source of information about the search process.

To attract a wide field of experienced candidates, it is important to keep information about applicants confidential through the initial interviews. Only the Board of Directors and the search consultants will have access to this information. The way in which the Board of Directors will engage staff and community is through the use of a survey. They want to learn your perceptions of LASD’s strengths, challenges, your hopes and expectations for the next superintendent, and the superintendent leadership characteristics you believe are important. This vital information will be integrated into the “Littlestown Area School District and Superintendent Profile” which will be used to advertise for, recruit, and select the next superintendent. The surveys are accessible until March 20 on the District’s website for all community residents. Please access and complete the short survey.

Survey link:

Your interest in and support of the Board of Directors’ election of the District’s next  superintendent is appreciated.