🎓Seniors Students & Senior Parents: Important graduation reminders were emailed this morning. Please reference your email for more information. 🎓For questions or concerns regarding Graduation please contact Mrs. Krista Ortman ortmank@lasd.k12.pa.us 717-359-4146 ext. 2230
8 months ago, Krista Ortman
We are gearing up to honor the Class of 2024 on Friday May 31, 2024! The Graduation Ceremony begins promptly at 7:00PM at Thunderbolt Stadium. Stadium gates open at 5:30PM. 🎓The ceremony will be live streamed free of charge: https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/schools/1f91c76ea2 🎓The stadium parking lot will be handicap parking only. 🎓For questions or concerns regarding Graduation please contact Mrs. Krista Ortman ortmank@lasd.k12.pa.us 717-359-4146 ext. 2230
8 months ago, Krista Ortman
Congratulations to our April & May Students of the Month! L - R: Hayden Rodeheaver, 7th Grade; Rhett Robinson, 1st Grade; Rylee Vance, 12th Grade; Ian Paul, 12th Grade; Sara Honeycutt, 12th Grade; Sophie Lookingbill, Kindergarten; Alyssa Few, 8th Grade; Margaret Fry, 3rd Grade. Missing - Garrett Hutchison, 12th Grade.
8 months ago, Carrie Mummert
REMINDER: Tonight's Regular School Board Meeting will be held in the Littlestown High School Auditorium at 7pm. Please remember our parking and entrance is around the back of the building (Door #22) due to our ongoing building project.
8 months ago, Carrie Mummert
Location reminder
Thunderbolts, The Littlestown Area School District Board of Directors will meet in a Regular Meeting on Monday, May 20, 2024, at 7:00pm in the Littlestown High School Auditorium. PLEASE NOTE THE LOCATION CHANGE! If you plan to attend, you must park behind the building by the track and use Door #22 to enter. 05-20-2024 Regular Meeting Agenda: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EH6CGLlyfLYaojcZdWrHe3u0ryzf_G93MpZzrdyv86U/edit?usp=sharing Meetings are open to the public to attend. Public Comment - Attend in person and fill out the public participation sheet in the lobby outside the boardroom up until 5 minutes prior to the scheduled start of the meeting or call (717)359-4146 x2910 and leave a message up to 30 minutes prior. In the message, be sure to include your address and first and last name. Messages can be up to a duration of 5 minutes.
8 months ago, Carrie Mummert
Regular Meeting
Good afternoon Thunderbolts, The Regular School Board Meeting scheduled for Monday, May 20, 2024 at 7pm will now be held in the Littlestown High School auditorium to allow enough seating for our families and friends of our Students of the Month for April and May! If you plan to attend the meeting, please remember the high school is UNDER CONSTRUCTION and our temporary main entrance and best parking is around the back of the building (Use Door #22 by the cafeteria to enter). Thank you!
8 months ago, Carrie Mummert
Buy your tickets now! https://bit.ly/thunderbolt24
8 months ago, Carrie Mummert
Congratulations to Varsity Softball! They qualified for the PIAA District III 3A Softball Championship. 1st round game is at Annville-Cleona on Monday, 5/20/24 @ 4:30pm. All tickets $6 online only! piaad3.hometownticketing.com/embed/all?tile=16
8 months ago, Cindy Staub
Softball Districts
Good morning Thunderbolts! We are exactly 2 weeks away from the Class of 2024 Graduation! Important graduation reminders were sent via email to senior families and senior students. Please direct additional questions to: Mrs. Ortman ortmank@lasd.k12.pa.us 717-359-4146 ext. 2230
8 months ago, Krista Ortman
Softball games vs Boiling Springs 5/15/24 are postponed to Thursday 5/16/24. Doubleheader-Varsity 4:00 PM, followed by JV.
8 months ago, Cindy Staub
Our May Staff Spotlight is Stacy Tull, our Agriculture Teacher's Aide! Stacy has been heavily involved with our agriculture classes and FFA for many years! She works behind the scenes to coordinate various fundraisers and events. She also works with our elementary staff to plan for our ACES students to visit the high school to check out our greenhouse and they especially love visiting the baby calves. Our district is very lucky to have Mrs. Tull! Congratulations!
8 months ago, Carrie Mummert
Staff Spotlight
Thunderbolts, The Littlestown Area School District Board of Directors will meet in a Work Session on Monday, May 13, 2024, at 6:00pm in the Boardroom 05-13-2024 Work Session Agenda: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lAV4M4iGtQfzVCFum5KKjKBvFV-fgYToXTQat_MC9o0/edit?usp=sharing Meetings are open to the public to attend. Public Comment - Attend in person and fill out the public participation sheet in the lobby outside the boardroom up until 5 minutes prior to the scheduled start of the meeting or call (717)359-4146 x2910 and leave a message up to 30 minutes prior. In the message, be sure to include your address and first and last name. Messages can be up to a duration of 5 minutes.
8 months ago, Carrie Mummert
Baseball and Softball games scheduled for today 5/10/24 with Boiling Springs have been postponed. Softball will now play a double header at Littlestown on Wed 5/15/24: Varsity @ 4:00, followed by JV @ 6:00. New date for baseball is to be determined.
8 months ago, Cindy Staub
Congratulations to seniors Peyton & Cole! We have 2 more Littlestown athletes who have committed to continue their athletic career at the collegiate level. All your hard work and dedication has paid off. Great job! Bolt Proud!
8 months ago, Krista Ortman
Congratulations Peyton & Cole! We have 2 more  Littlestown athletes who  have committed to continue their athletic career at the collegiate level. All your hard work and dedication has paid off. Great job! Bolt Proud!
Congratulations Peyton & Cole! We have 2 more  Littlestown athletes who  have committed to continue their athletic career at the collegiate level. All your hard work and dedication has paid off. Great job! Bolt Proud!
Thunderbolt Community, It's that time of year again to nominate one or more of our fantastic LASD professional or support staff members for the OUTSTANDING impact they've had on your student or family. Nominate here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdqiV1unPyOWS-4LPzWsLVGOQrNWOCJ9VHsvko7xbp7FRbZYw/viewform?usp=sf_link Nominations will be accepted through May 24th! Any questions, please contact: Carrie Mummert, Executive Assistant to the Superintendent (717)359-4146 x1250
8 months ago, Carrie Mummert
Outstanding Staff
It's not too late to sign up for Paint Night @ LHS this Friday! The National Art Honor Society is hosting a paint night fundraiser on May 10th from 6-8PM. To purchase your tickets use the link below. If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Horn (Art Teacher) hornc@lasd.k12.pa.us https://lasdk12.revtrak.net/r1#/v/hs-nahs-paint-night
8 months ago, Krista Ortman
Softball games will be held AT Bermudian Springs today 5/6/24. Varsity will start at 4:00, followed by J.V. Baseball games moved to tomorrow 5/7/24 at 4:15. Varsity at Bermudian, JV at Littlestown. The Varsity Baseball game suspended due to rain on 4/30/24 will be finished on 5/13/24 beginning at 4:00 at Littlestown.
8 months ago, Cindy Staub
Device collection information
8 months ago, Krista Ortman
Device collection information
Thunderbolts, The Finance, Property, & Supply Committee of the School Board will meet on Tuesday, May 7, 2024, at 5:00pm in the Boardroom. 05-07-2024 Finance, Property, & Supply Meeting Agenda: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1p-7TkrpZySTGkx4XNMse6ifWw0_8UFr739eGnPTyxLE/edit?usp=drive_link Committee meetings are open to the public to attend. Public Participation - Attend in person and fill out the public participation sheet in the lobby outside the boardroom up until 5 minutes prior to the scheduled start of the meeting.
8 months ago, Carrie Mummert
The Curriculum, Co-Curriculum, & Policy Committee of the School Board will meet on Tuesday, May 7, 2024, at 6:30pm in the Boardroom. 05-07-2024 Curriculum, Co-Curriculum, & Policy Meeting Agenda: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19lgz9WVGlFtrjycyKVhXzEUN1vXmEZWLcFGzSxCkN8c/edit?usp=sharing Committee meetings are open to the public to attend. Public Participation - Attend in person and fill out the public participation sheet in the lobby outside the boardroom up until 5 minutes prior to the scheduled start of the meeting.
8 months ago, Carrie Mummert